
Best Top 15 Attractive Things To Do in Bern Switzerland

1. Stroll Through Bern Old Town 

2. See the Clock Tower (Zytglogge) 

Bern Clock Tower (Zytglogge)

3. Visit the Cathedral of Bern (Berner Münster) 

4. Admire the Rosengarten 

5. Explore the Bear Pit (Bärenpark) 

6. Visit the Federal Palace (Bundeshaus) 

Bern Federal Palace (Bundeshaus) 

7. Discover Einstein’s Legacy 

8. Zentrum Paul Klee 

Bern Zentrum Paul Klee 

9. Kunstmuseum Bern 

10. Explore Bern’s Fountains 

Explore Bern Fountains 

11. Tierpark Dählhölzli 

12. Relax at Gurten 

Gurten, Bern native mountain

13. Visit the Historical Museum 

14. Shopping and Dining 

15. Helicopter Tours 

helicopter tour

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